Saturday, 20 June 2020

Battery Monitor Display

Some time ago I bought a Victron BMV-712 Smart battery Monitor.

It is possible to see the various measurements

* State of Charge * Voltage * Current * Power
* Consumed Ah * Time Remaining & * Starter Battery.

by pressing the '+' or '-' buttons and scrolling through the display or linking, via bluetooth, the monitor to a smart phone and looking at the figures on screen.

Useful, but you do need to have the phone handy.

Recently I came across a couple of old phones (put in the back of a drawer when I upgraded) and it occurred to me that I could set one of them up as a permanent display. The only possible problem would be how to power the phone, fortunately the Solar Power MPPT controller came with a USB port.

Some double sided tape and feeding the USB cable behind the Eberspacher controller and the phone becomes a permanent display for the battery monitor. A very useful role for a redundant mobile phone.