Wednesday morning we left The Waterfront and travelled down the Delph Locks (sometimes known as the Delph 9, although there are only 8 locks). Carrying on the theme of nine locks the pub at the bottom of the flight is The Tenth Lock. We were joined by our friend Paul just past the bottom lock. Another friend was supposed to join as well, but had cried off with a bad cold.
View from top of Stourbridge locks |
Paul stayed with us until the bottom of the Stourbridge flight of locks. Originally he was going to stay until the end of the day and join us for a drink in Stourbridge, but a mutual friend was debuting in an am-dram play and Paul went to offer moral support.
View into Stourbridge Town Basin |
We continued along the Stourbridge Town Arm and moored up just outside the town wharf. We then went into town to join the friend, Rick, who had cried off earlier with a cold, now recovered! We went to the Duke William, which is the where Craddocks beer is brewed. The beer we had was excellent, although we have since learned that the brewer and and the Duke William landlord have parted company. After a few beers we then went to a local curry house.
Moored just outside Stourbridge Town Basin |
Thursday morning and we were heading back up the Stourbridge & Delph flight of locks (this time with no help) to spend the evening at The Waterfront again. Thursday was an excellent day, weather wise, bright blue shy and very hot. As we had a bit of time and the weather was so nice we decided to make a short excursion into the Fens branch & Stourbridge Extension Canal.
Stourbridge Extension Canal |
Mooring in The Waterfront in the early evening sat on the quayside with a glass of beer was a perfect end to a tiring, but relaxing day.
Moored at the Waterfront |