Friday, 30 March 2012

Mar12 Trip - Tibberton to Tardebigge - Friday

Joined by Josie's sister Maxine today. With both Alan & Maxine on board the day started with them both getting off again and driving their cars to the Queens Head at Stoke Pound. One of the cars was left there, they then drove back to Tibberton, stopping at a supermarket on the way to get some bacon & bread for breakfast.

Josie & Maxine working hard
The day went well with both Alan and Maxine taking a turn at the tiller and helping with the locks. As we reached the bottom of Tardebigge locks we moored for the night. Despite our best efforts both Maxine & Allan decline the opportunity to stay overnight and help us with the locks the following morning. They did however buy us a drink in the Queen's head before they set off home.

Queen's Head - Stoke Pound
We looked at the menu in the Queens and realised how fortunate we were on Monday, when we went to the Boat & Railway instead - similar meals, but at least 50% more. We did stay for a couple more pints (Wye Valley HPA - in excellent condition) before we decided to have a meal on board and get an early night ready for a prompt start on Saturday. Unfortunately Friday night is 'Disco night' in the Queens and it was quite noisey, even though we were not moored directly opposite the pub.

Thursday, 29 March 2012

Mar12 Trip - Tibberton - Thursday

Got underway quite early. We were meeting Josie's brother Alan at Tibberton, although not that far ( 4 miles &15 locks - 4 or 5 hours) we did need to get some water and couldn't see any water points in the Nicholson's until Dunhampstead, another 2 miles past Tibberton. Although there was a winding hole between the waterpoint and Tibberton we estimated that part of the journey back to Tibberton would be in reverse.

Village of Oddingley
Made the watering point at about 3pm and then took just under an hour to fill up (we must have been very low). Got back to Tibberton at about 5pm, thinking just time to get a pint before Josie's brother arrived and then go for a meal. Unfortunately Alan was stuck on the motorway and didn't arrive until after 9pm, so much for our rushing around!

Mar12 Trip - Droitwich to Worcester - Wednesday

Woke to yet another buitful day, not a cloud in the sky. Sue left us to catch the train back to her car at Alvechurch. A journey that took us a day and-a-half on the boat, but she will be back in her car in about an hour.

Cloudless sky - unbelievable weather for March
We left Droitwich a bit later than usual, thinking the second half of the Droitwich canals would be similar to the part we had cruised along yesterday. This was a mistake, the second part (Droitwich to the River Severn) is called the Droitwich Barge Canal and is a wide beam waterway, with locks to match.

Droitwich Barge Canal, before the locks.

The first part wasn't to bad, but once we started on the locks we really slowed down. Consequently we were a bit later getting to the River Severn than planned. Which meant our arrival in Worcester was very late in the afternoon.

We decided not to stop in the city centre, but went on to just before the Gregory's Mill locks. Not a very good choice there was a football ground close by with an evening match being played. Very noisey until just after 9 when the match finished.

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Mar12 Trip - Very Low Bridge & Droitwich - Tuesday & Wednesday

Tuesday, woke again to a very sunny & hot day, is it really only March?
Lock Garden on The Worcester & Birmingham Canal (Mar12)

Continued down the W&B to Hanbury Junction and turned into the restored Droitwich canals. As we passed the boatyard on our left we could just make out the 'inland' lighthouse that marks the entrance to the basin.

Helpful sign!

Hanbury Wharf lighthouse (June 2010)

After going down three brand new locks the new marina could be seen on the right. Not many boats yet, but will be very busy once it fills up.

Droitwich Marina through the reeds from the canal.
The next 'obstacle' was the passage under the M5, reputed to be the lowest headroom on the canal system. If it's not then I don't want to go under anything with less head room there were litterally only a couple of inches to spare.

Droitwich Canal (NOT the M5 bridge though)

After that we continued on into Droitwich where the new purpose built visitor moorings just past Vines Park were situated. Spent the afternoon looking round Droitwich and the evening in the Hop Pole. A very comfortable CAMRA local Pub of the Year.

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Mar12 Trip - Going Well So Far - Sunday & Monday

Sunday & Monday all goes to plan. Visited by friends Philip & David just after we joined Eos and went for a short cruise to show off boat to Crown Meadow Arm, about a mile & back. After Philip & David left another friend Sue joined us.

Sue will be with us for a couple of days and provide help going down Tardebigge locks. Sunday evening made the obilatory visit to the Weighbridge for tea and a couple of pints.

Bright blue sky, going down Tardebigge

Monday morning woke to a cloudless blue sky with a promise of hot weather during the day. As there was no rush we had breakfast before we left and proceeded to Tardibigge locks. All went to plan, accept for the sun which must be the sunniest day of the year so far and totally unexpected for March. On the way down Tardibigge there was a couple new to narrow boating in front of us, we gave them a hand and they offered to let us go in front. We declined saying that there was no rush and continued to offer them assistance, as and when they needed it, down the flight.

Arrived at Stoke Pound (bottom of Tardibigge locks) about 4pm, planning to have tea at the Queens. Unfortunately the Queens is closed on Monday evenings in the winter(?). It was agreed to cruise on to the Navigation at Stoke Wharf. When we got there the hire boats from Black Prince boat yard were moored 3 or 4 abreast and we didn’t think it reasonable to moor opposite them and restrict the width of the canal, so agreed to carry on to the Boat & Railway at Shaw Lane bridge.

Sue & Josie W&B Canal
We arrived at about 6pm moored up and made our way to the pub. Whilst drinking our first pint and looking at the menu the landlord informed us that on Mondays meals from the Grills section were half price. That simplified things; we ordered a rump steak, a gammon steak and a mixed grill all for less than £15. The Queen's loss was certainly our gain.

                                                                                                    Whilst finishing our meal the waitress approached and said a round of drinks had been ordered for us, ‘by a gentleman sat outside’. To our pleasant surprise this was the couple we had provided help to earlier in the day, we tried (not to strenously it must be said) to decline the generous offer, but he insisted. Just proves how friendly people on the canals are.

Friday, 9 March 2012

March Plans

Plans for a trip in March are well advanced.

Nb Eos
We are being joined by a friend on Sunday and on Monday will make our way down the Tardebigge flight of locks.

Bottom lock sign at Tardibigge
This will be a welcome sight towards the end of the first day after 30+ locks.

On Tuesday we leave the Worcester and Birmingham canal for the new Droitwich link. Wednesday we will make our way round to Worcester via the River Severn. Thursday is the start of the journey back to Alvechurch and should get as far as Tibberton. Friday will get us back to the bottom of the Tardebigge flight, ready to tackle them on Saturday to arrive back at the boatyard by Saturday evening. Hopefully in time to watch Saints who are live on the TV playing Blackpool.

As usual I expect the plans to change, but hopefully – just for once – not to drastically.