Tuesday down the Aston locks (11, 1Hr 50 Mins) and then along the B&F to just past Minworth Greves, where we turned round. We managed to get as far as Tyburn before stopping for the evening and Josie caught the bus to work for Wednesday morning.
Whilst Josie was in the office I cruised down to Salford Junction to wind Eos, and then back to Tyburn to meet Josie.
In the afternoon we cruised along the B&F and almost reached Bodymoor Heath. Unfortunately time was against us and rain had set in at about 4 o’clock, so we were quite wet when we finished at about 6. The village and pub were only about half-an-hours walk away, but we decided not to get any wetter and spent the evening in the cosy warmth of the boat.
The following morning we went through the last lock to Bodyheath Moor and immediately turned round to begin the journey back to Faraday Wharf, so that Josie could get to the office first thing Friday morning.
On the way through the locks at Bodymoor Heath & Curmoor we kept pace with two BW contractors who were cutting the grass. They were very friendly and helpful – closing and opening lock gates for us.
The only other thing of note during the journey was a need to stop and clear the propeller. Part of a blue plastic tarpaulin had wraped itself round the propellor and took over 15 minutes to cut free – the worst problem I’ve ever had clearing the
Luckily most of the locks going up the Aston flight were set in our favour and we ascended them in 1 Hr 45 Mins (5 minutes quicker than when we came down).